The Question
6.) Picasso's nationality was.....
A. Italian
B. Spanish
C. American
D. Greek
E. British
7.) Picasso's skills were...
A. Painter
B. Athlete
C. Artist
D. Film maker
E. Actor
8.) Picasso's contribution to art was, except......
A. Cubism Painter
B. State designer
C. Film maker
D. Dancer
E. Poet
9.) The date of Picasso's birth was.....
A. 25 October 1881
B. 8 April 1973
C. 25 October 1997
D. 8 April 1907
E. 17June 1906
10.) The categorize of Picasso's works were, except......
A. the Blue Period (1901-1904)
B. The Rose Period (1904–1906)
C. The African-influenced Period (1907–1909)
D. Analytic Cubism (1909–1912)
E. The Renaissance
6.) Picasso's nationality was.....
A. Italian
B. Spanish
C. American
D. Greek
E. British
7.) Picasso's skills were...
A. Painter
B. Athlete
C. Artist
D. Film maker
E. Actor
8.) Picasso's contribution to art was, except......
A. Cubism Painter
B. State designer
C. Film maker
D. Dancer
E. Poet
9.) The date of Picasso's birth was.....
A. 25 October 1881
B. 8 April 1973
C. 25 October 1997
D. 8 April 1907
E. 17June 1906
10.) The categorize of Picasso's works were, except......
A. the Blue Period (1901-1904)
B. The Rose Period (1904–1906)
C. The African-influenced Period (1907–1909)
D. Analytic Cubism (1909–1912)
E. The Renaissance

2.Painter maker
4.25 october 1881
5.the blue period (1901-1994)
hope it's useful
make the brainliest answer